Sunday, March 16, 2008


I have just launched this basic first blog to satisfy a requirement of the current digital Web 2.0 course I am participating in, sponsored by the Knight Center for Journalism. We are in week two and it has been pretty tough for me, since I have not kept up with the technology over the past years and too many of the concepts and applications are all new.

But it is also gratifying to learn something different almost every day even as there is so much to catch up with. I must confess though it can be pretty frustrating at times struggling with the fundamentals. As our course progresses and I learn more, I hope the blog becomes better.

I am having problems pasting the link to my Yahoo web-based RSS reader into this blog. I know I should use a screenshot of the page with the feeds and news searches, but don't know how to do it on Windows independent of Screengrab. I tried, but the quality was so poor, I could not discern any feeds. I tried cutting and pasting, but it had errors and didn't load.

Sorry Mark, I did not see your note until today and by then it was already late. I am going to keep trying and if I can figure it out with help before the 7 p.m deadline I will replace the initial assignment. I hate having to give up after I have spent so much time on it today. I have asked Vernon, Nazima and Carlos for help, and the latter two have responded so far, but I have not been able to copy and paste the link in a word document and upload it into the blog as they suggest.

Called up the IT guy who is employed at my husband's workplace but he had never used RSS and I guess that will be the trend across most of the Caribbean, except Trinidad.

I have used Yahoo as my RSS feeder since it is easier for me. I am freelance so I don't work in a conventional newsroom , but I am interested in what's happening newswise, especially in the region. Since I am Guyanese by birth, married to a Trinidadian, with two young Barbadian children and now living in Antigua-Barbuda, I am especially keen on regional news! I have found a Caribbean news website, Caribbean and set up a feed.

I have traditionally read what's available on the BBC World News, so that's in, as well as the site which I find has a wide range of well-written news stories, features and analyses. I have chosen one of the two private newspapers in Guyana, the Stabroek news which helps me keep in touch with what's happening at home, while the other feed is sourced to Environment because that's topical and features three of my passions in its name.

Two of my neighbours are trying to outblast each other, with music so loud I can't hear myself speak, and my head is already pounding harder than the incessant bass. The din shattered the Sunday evening reverie suddenly and looks like it's going to last well into tomorrow. It has been a horribly long day and it's going to be an even longer night.

Five RSS News Feeds

The image “file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Deyal%20Indranie/My%20Documents/journalism%20course/Yahoo%20RSS%20reader” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


Vernon said...

Sorry about not replying to your request but I honestly didn't see it. I find the entire course site difficult to navigate and the submission guidelines even more confusing. It seems we are expected to fit our assignment submissions into a model that was clearly not designed to accommodate links etc. Pasting the link into a document and submitting it seems like a completely silly way of having to accomplish a simple task.

Great work on your blog though...don't get discouraged. And this is not a comment for the class assignment just my way of letting you know I would have responded had this site not been such a maze.

Vernon said...

Oh that comment was from Vernon btw.